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The Healthy Skin Show

Aug 25, 2022

Have you ever heard of tapping and thought that is way too “out there” for me? Well, did you know there is actual science backing up this technique for stress management? My guest today shares everything from the importance of minerals to how the iron recycling system works.

Today's guest, Sarah Emily Speers, is an...

Aug 18, 2022

Most people assume that itchiness means there’s too much histamine in their bodies.

This assumption is often very wrong leading people to take anti-histamine medications that they will admit don’t help much.

If this hits home, you’ll be shocked to know that there are many different reasons (or hidden root causes)...

Aug 11, 2022

Did you know that your circadian rhythm affects your skin? Are you ready to find out what it means by your skin having its OWN circadian rhythm?

If you've wondered why your skin feels different at different times of the day (super itchy at night, but fine during the day), today's guest will explain why!

My guest today...